For the patient with low back pain, guidelines recommend seeking treatment in the acute state of the condition instead of waiting for it to become chronic. While it’s generally easier and faster to achieve a satisfactory outcome in the earliest stages of a back pain condition, there’s another reason: to reduce the risk for additional injury. To see how this is the case, let’s look at the effect low back pain has on walking.
In a February 2020 study, researchers examined the lower limb kinematics (function) in 40 subjects, half of whom had chronic back pain, using a special seven-camera system that tracked the movements of the pelvis, hip, knees, and ankle joints during walking. The data show that individuals with chronic low back pain had significantly altered movement in all three joints of the lower extremities.
Another recent study used a marker-based motion capture system to examine the spinal kinematics of 22 adults (half with chronic low back pain) while walking by breaking down the spine into four sections: upper and lower lumbar (UL and LL) and thoracic (UT and LT). This experiment also revealed significant movement differences between the two groups.
Using a sophisticated assessment method called statistical parametric mapping (SPM) to capture a 3D analysis of subjects (20 with vs. 20 without low back pain), yet another study identified altered movement patterns among those with low back pain.
These studies demonstrate that individuals with back pain exhibit altered walking kinematics, which may be a response by the body to avoid pain. But doing so may place added stress on other parts of the body, like the hips, knees, and ankles, which could lead to secondary conditions. On the other hand, there’s the possibility that pre-existing dysfunction in the lower extremities resulted in abnormal motion which led to a lower back condition.
Either way, these findings underscore the importance of examining the whole patient to identify any and all issues that may contribute to their low back pain, something which doctors of chiropractic are trained to do in order to achieve the best possible outcome for each patient.
So, if you are experiencing back pain, lower back pain, or pain in the coccyx and type in pain management near me, you may find Coast Chiropractic Centers with Dr. Timothy Harcourt, me, comes up.
You may wonder, “Do I need an MRI scan of my back.”
Also, if you feel leg pain it may indicate things are getting worse and may indicate a bulge on the disc or worse yet a herniated disc in your back. Some people will try stretching the lower back first to see if they get relief from their back pain. Pain very low in the lower back may be originating from the coccyx or tailbone. A pulled muscle in the back generally will get better with rest. Persistent or worsening pain intensity and/or frequency necessitates a visit to see a professional.
Call me, Dr. Tim Harcourt, at (239) 278-3344 and mention this article for an awesome discounted first visit to include history, exam, and adjustment or Class IV high-intensity laser treatment. So if you find yourself experiencing lower back pain while running or doing physical activities.
If you are suffering from back pain that is affecting your quality of life and allowing you to enjoy Fort Myers Beach. Come see us at Coast Chiropractic Centers located on 7270 College Parkway.
Don't let back pain stop you from enjoying the beautiful SWFL! Dr. Dr. Tim Harcourt is here to give you the relief you need.
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