There are MANY different types of headaches, of which migraines are a common type. A unique feature of migraine headaches is that prior to the start of the headache, there is often a pre-headache “warning” that the migraine is about to commence. This is often referred to as an “aura,” and it can vary from a few minutes to a few hours, or in some cases, two days prior to the start of the migraine.
Here are some of the more common “warning signs” that you are having, or are about to have, a migraine:
• Neck pain. In an online survey, the National Headache Foundation found that 38% of migraine patients “always,” and 31% “frequently” had neck pain accompany their migraine headache.
• Frequent urination. This can precede the migraine by an hour or as much as two days.
• Yawning. A 2006 article in the journal Cephalgia reported that about 36% of migraine sufferers describe yawning as a common pre-migraine warning. This can occur quite frequently, such as every few minutes.
• A “sensory aura” may occur on half of the body, moving from the finger tips through the arm, across the face, or elsewhere and usually includes a temporary lack of feeling as if the body region is “half asleep.”
• Nausea and vomiting. This is a common aura. According to the American Migraine Study II (a mail survey of more than 3,700 migraine patients) 73% reported nausea and 29% vomiting. Another study reported that migraine sufferers who have nausea/vomiting usually have more severe migraine headaches and get less relief from migraine medications compared to those who do not get nausea or vomiting.
• Other common auras or “sensitivities” during the migraine include bright light, noise, and/or smells (like perfumes), and many migraine sufferers seek refuge in a dark, quiet room and try to sleep.
• Physical activity. Routine activities such as walking, climbing steps, running, weight lifting, or sexual activity can trigger a migraine and/or increase the intensity of an existing migraine headache.
• Trouble speaking. Difficulty “getting the words out” or formulating thought (staying on task) can be another warning sign of an impending migraine. Obviously, if this is the first time this symptom has occurred and it’s “…out of the ordinary,” we’ll have to make sure it’s not something more serious (…like a stroke)!
• Weakness. This may occur in an arm or leg or entire half of the body (left or right side) and also could be a more serious sign of a stroke, but it is also a fairly common pre-migraine aura.
• Visual aura. This can include double vision and / or vertigo (balance loss with a spinning feeling). This often occurs in a special type of migraine called a “basilar-type migraine” and symptoms can include dizziness, double vision or loss of vision. The balance loss is often associated with a “bad migraine” and occurs when the migraine is stronger or more intense than usual.
In many cases, adjustments applied to the neck and upper back, especially when delivered BEFORE the migraine, can reduce the intensity and in some cases STOP the migraine from even starting!
So, if you are experiencing headaches or migraines and type in pain management near me or chiropractor near me, you may find Coast Chiropractic Centers with Dr. Timothy Harcourt, me, comes up.
You may wonder, “Do I need an MRI scan of my brain or neck.” Also, if you feel arm pain it may indicate things are getting worse and may indicate a bulge on the disc or worse yet a herniated disc in your neck. Some people have a feeling of their “head aching.”
What type of headache is it to include tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, or toxic headaches?
Regardless of the type, it can leave you feeling exhausted fatigued, nauseous, and even depressed. Some get severe headache pain behind the eyes. Persistent or worsening pain intensity and/or frequency necessitates a visit to see a professional near you.
Check out what the experts say about chiropractic care for headaches here:
Call me, Dr. Tim Harcourt, at (239) 278-3344 and mention this article for an awesome discounted first visit to include history, exam, and adjustment or Class IV high-intensity laser treatment.
At Coast Chiropractic Centers we look forward to providing relief to those suffering from any type of headache. Call me, Dr. Tim Harcourt, at Coast Chiropractic Centers at (239) 278-3344 or stop by if you’re in the area on your day off for a walk in visit and mention this article for an awesome discounted first visit to include history, exam, and adjustment or Class IV high-intensity laser treatment.
If you would like to avoid getting headaches in the first place or to take a proactive approach to your health and wellness nearby, our membership program called Club C may be just the thing for you with great cost savings, convenience, and even more importantly, a plan to get your health back and keep it.
Schedule Your Appointment Here
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If you are suffering from headaches that are affecting your quality of life and allowing you to enjoy Fort Myers Beach. Come see us at Coast Chiropractic Centers located on 7270 College Parkway.
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