Home Blog Tennis Elbow Is No Laughing Matter

Tennis Elbow Is No Laughing Matter

Dec 20, 2019 -- Posted by : Dr.Harcourt

Tennis elbow is a painful condition brought on by repetetive wrist extension.  This action causes irritation and inflammation on the wrist extensor mechanism which hooks into the elbow.  What is the fix for this painful condition?

The following techniques can help resolve tennis elbow:

1. Acheive an appropriate back hand stroke which will reduce pressure on your elbow (get some tennis lessons from a pro, you can call 717.542.9386 an ask for the tennis pro)

2. Apply ice to the area at least one time per day as per ice application instructions (available at my office by calling 239.278.3344 option # 1)

3. Practice your back hand using a tennis machine such as the Lobster Elite 2 

4. Get treatment such as: High Dosage Diowave Laser, Graston technique, Hemp Oil Ultrasound, radial manipulation, or medical massage

5. Get rid of the tennis elbow brace and fix the cause


You can call the office and sit down with me in a no-charge consultation and see if you are a candidate for specialized tennis elbow treatment at my office. Call 239.278.3344 option # 1

Yours in health,

Dr. B. Timothy Harcourt




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