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Leander Technique

The Leander Table combines the action of a flexion table for spinal distraction and a segmented full spine adjusting table. Research reveals greater patient acceptance when motion traction is introduced simultaneously with the manipulative force during subluxation correction, i.e., less force is required for spinal corrective procedures. The development of the Leander Table came
as a result of the use of flexion traction.

The principle function of motion flexion distraction is to use the bones as levers to mechanically affect the soft tissue thus, decreasing the degenerative effects of fibrosis. Decreasing the effects of fibrosis with flexion distraction traction procedure thus breaks up
adhesions allows new blood flow, creating new movement into a hypo-mobile joint, and allowing synovial fluid flow to reoccur.

Cyriax, James M.D., Orthopedic Medicine,
Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Lesions, Bailliere,
Tindall, vol.,1982


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