Knee Pain

My Knee Pain Is Persistent Despite Taking Lots of Chemicals and Applying Chemical Rubs. What Options Does Coast Chiropractic Offer?:

A deep healing laser for fixing the problem in the knee is key.  More superficial we use the Graston Technique to heal the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The joint restriction is addressed with gentle manipulation of the knee joints.

Why Is My Prescription Running Out At Pain the Management Near Me?:

The Florida Department of Health has mandated restrictions on the use of certain chemicals.  Alternative non-chemical domination treatment such as chiropractic care has been recommended as a solution.


When I Typed In Chiropractor Near Me, You Came Up.  Do You Offer More Than Spinal Adjustments?:

Yes. High-dosage Deep Penetrating Diowave Class IV Healing Laser; Graston Technique for tendon, muscle, and ligament healing; and knee adjustments are just a few.

I Can't Tell If The Pain Is On The Knee or In The Knee. How Can You Tell The Difference Between a Muscle Strain Versus a Meniscal Tear?:

Thorough history and examination will go a long way to figure out the tissue/s affected.  Sometimes XR or MRI is necessary to visualize the problem.

My Knee Injury Occurred When Playing Pickel Ball. Will I Be Able To Play That Or Golf Again?:

Come in for a no-charge demonstration and we will find out.

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